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7 ways to do the ‘Facebook thing’ better

Written on March 30, 2012 by | Leave a comment

1. Create social objects.

A social object, to me, is something that communicates an idea quickly. Whether it’s a short sentence, a photo, a video or anything else you can think of. The point of a social object is that the idea is so awesome that people want to share it.

2. Make ’em feel like VIPs.

Think about making things exclusive to only your Facebook fans. Examples include posting videos or photos only for your Facebook fans. Also, during live events, post what’s happening as it happens (this could be mobile photos, quotes from speakers, or an up-to-the-minute record of what’s happening.) This rich content will become ‘social objects’ and make it more likely that your fans will share it with their friends.

3. Create a dialogue.

Do this by sharing things that encourage conversation. Be as conversational, personal, and authentic as you can be. Ask questions. Encourage people to like, share or comment on the things you share…and that doesn’t mean you should write “like this post” at the end of every post. Instead, post things that people want to like, share or comment on.

4. Continue conversation.

How? By responding to comments from fans, thanking them, asking questions, continuing conversation

5. Create a local conversation.

Write content for certain locations or languages. While posting content from the fan page, look for the gray ‘Public’ button and drop down to find ‘Location/Language’. This allows you share content with a targeted group of people from a specific city, state, language, etc.

6. Create a tribe.

Create a tribe of people who believe in what you do and why you do it. Do this by sharing your passion every day, with consistency and creativity.

7. Be patient (and never give up).

It’s okay to only have 50 people who ‘like’ your fan page. It’s better to have 50 people who are richly engaged and love your product, service or organization than 1,000 people who could care less what it’s all about.

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